Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Types of E-Business

As in the case of the saying that said “banyak the road headed Roma”, eBusiness was one of the roads that was meant to head to “the creation of wealth” for a company (please was paid attention to that eBusiness not was the aim, or “Roma” that was meant in the related saying). In other words, the scope or the spectrum eBusiness could be very wide of his territory depended from salty-masing the person saw the definition from words “bisnis” that personally. To be able to comprehend the dimension of the scope of the understanding eBusiness, the method that often was used was by using the principle 4W (What, Who, Where, and Why).

The WHAT dimension
Many people bartered the term eBusiness with eCommerce. In principle, the understanding eBusiness far more wider compared with eCommerce; in fact philosophically, eCommerce was a part of eBusiness. If eCommerce only focussed himself on the activity or the mechanism of the transaction that was carried out electronically/digital, eBusiness had the far more wider territory, including inside the activity of the relations between two entiti the company, the interaction between the company and his customer, collaboration between the company and his business partners, the exchange of information between the company and his efforts competitors, et cetera. The existence of the internet enabled the company to establish communication directly or indirectly by millions in fact bermilyar-billion entiti (the customer, the partner, the competitor, the government, etc.. ) available in the world maya; because of the characteristics of this communication was a part of a business system, then could be understood by the width of the understanding from eBusiness.

The WHO Dimension
Anyone that be involved inside eBusiness? Like that was implied in his definition, all the sides or entiti that carried out the interaction in a business system or a series of process of the business (business process) was sides that were interested in the scope eBusiness. Most was not seven (A until G) classification entiti that often was utilised in illustrated eBusiness, respectively: Agent, Business, Consumer, Device, Employee, Family, and Government. For example to be an application of the type of eCommerce B-to-C that was the mechanism of trade relations between a company and his customers (end consumers him); or the type G-to-G that connected two countries for the problem eksport and import; or D-to-D that connected between two sophisticated equipments information technology like between PDA and the mobile phone; or B-to-F that connected one of the seller's companies of requirement things for the household with various families; etc.

The WHERE Dimension
Was not somewhat general that questioned where in fact the business activity could be carried out in eBusiness. His answer was very short and was easy, that is anywhere, how far the interested side had electronics facilities/digital as the access canal (access channel). Was different from the conventional business where the normal transaction was carried out physically around the relevant company, then inside eBusiness, the interaction could be carried out through various access canals. In the house, a Ms could use the telephone or webTV to communicate with the seller's company of the product or the service; in the office, an employee could use computer equipment or fax; in the car, a student could use the mobile phone or PDA him; in the location of the bustle like mall, shops, or the market, the community could make use of the ATM, Warnet, or Telekomunikasi kiosks (the Telephone Kiosk) to do the same thing. In other words, the term anywhere to carry out relations with anyone not only a pompous slogan, but became the reality in the implementation eBusiness.

The WHY Dimension
The last question that often haunted the perpetrators of the traditional business was why the business practitioners all over the world agreed to mengimplementasikan eBusiness as immediately as possible as the business model in the future. The application of the concept eBusiness effectively not only benefitted the company because of the number of high cost components yanga could be saved (cost cutting), but precisely gave the company's opportunity to increase the level of his income (revenue generation) directly or indirectly. With mengimplementasikan eBusiness, the company could see various opportunities and the new business gap that uptil now had never been offered to the community. By that, was proven has many companies that carried out the transformation of the business (the change in the core business) after saw the new size of the business opportunity inside applied the concept eBusiness. That did not lose attracted him was, That by applying the concept jejaring (internetworking), a small-scale and middle company was able easily to co-operate with the giant's company to offer various products and the service to the customer. And not rare also teradapat a company was small-scale (was seen from the number of his employees) that his income could exceed the middle company and big because of their effective strategy in applied eBusiness.

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